Connecting stakeholders and working to enhance the downtown.

Get Involved

Membership in the DBA is open to individuals associated with businesses and buildings in the 9-block area surrounding the Hardin County Courthouse, known as the Kenton Historic Courthouse District.

Grants Available

The DBA offers grants to incentivize improvements and other worthy projects that enhance downtown Kenton.  Click the link to download details about the grant program and the application.

Meeting Minutes and News

Check out the minutes from our meetings to stay informed on our activities and projects.  Learn more about important resources, special speaker series, webinars, and more in featured news articles.

DBA Calendar

Visit our meeting and events calendar to stay up-to-speed on what's happening with the DBA.

Resources for Building & Business Owners

City of Kenton Website

Visit the City of Kenton's website to learn more about operating a business in the Kenton Historic Courthouse District.  The City's website includes links to updates on capital projects within the city, permits, forms, and more.

City of Kenton Codified Ordinances

The Code of Ordinances that govern the City of Kenton are published online. Relevant sections include: business regulation and taxation code; planning and zoning code; building and housing code; and more. 

Architectural and Historic Board of Review and the Downtown Historical District

Kenton has special ordinances regarding the Downtown Historical District. Learn more by visiting Chapter 1437 of the City's Code of Ordinances.